INDIANAPOLIS — Food prices are up this year, which means your Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners will probably be more expensive.
Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs nearly 12% more expensive this year, compared to October 2020, according the Consumer Price Index.
Before buying anything, make a list of what you need and start watching sales.
Flipp is an app that lets you view store circulars in one place. If you decide to buy food early, pop the items in the freezer. The USDA's app Food Keeper tells you what you can freeze and for how long.
Then there are coupons and cash back apps.
Coupons can be found on store apps and cashback apps, like Ibotta, in the form of rebates. Depending on the promotion, you may be able to stack the deals.
While 70 cents or $1 back per item may not seem like a lot, it adds up when there are more than 20 items in your cart.