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Kroger price gouging allegations strike chord with Indiana shoppers

Grocery prices are moderating, but shoppers are still looking for ways to save on their food.

INDIANAPOLIS — It seems like every trip to the grocery store is getting more and more expensive. Seeing that register price go up and up can be daunting for people.

Multiple reports state a Kroger executive admitted the company increased prices above the inflation levels. 

"I'm not surprised," shopper Terry Bailey said.

He shops mostly at Kroger. On the day he spoke to 13News, he was getting some chicken.

"It usually comes to $7, almost $8. Like (today), I got it for $4," Bailey said.

He said he uses coupons and watches for things to go on sale.

According to Newsweek, a Kroger executive is admitting the company gouged prices above inflation. Reports say he revealed this information during an antitrust trial.

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Financial expert Bill Windling said paying attention to prices across the board is key.

"I definitely think it's something to pay attention to," Windling said.

Windling said while things may seem like they are still expensive, they aren't getting worse.

"We're seeing inflation prices moderate, so food prices aren't going up nearly as much as they were. They haven't come down. We're not seeing deflation, but we are seeing much more moderation and within inflation, prices," Windling said.

Windling said if people start to shop at other places because things are too expensive, Kroger would have to make changes.

"If you don't like Kroger, you don't like another company, go ahead and use another option. Then, Kroger's going to have to rethink their strategy," Windling said.

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For Bailey, he said he buys a little bit at a time when he needs it. But in his eyes, prices aren't fair.

"Life has never been fair. I don't know where people have got that, but it's never been fair. So that's the way it goes," Bailey said. 

For those who have smartphones, many grocery retailers have apps or online ads for you to look at and plan.

A Kroger spokesperson called the report "cherry-picked" in a statement released to the media: 

"This cherry-picked email covers a specific period and does not reflect Kroger‘s decades-long business model to lower prices for customers.”

“Retail prices include the costs to run a grocery store, including labor, transportation, advertising and other expenses. We work relentlessly to keep prices as low as possible for customers in our highly competitive industry. This is especially true for essential products such as milk and eggs.”

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