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Duke Energy is offering help with heating bills as temperatures plunge

The utility company is preparing to help some Hoosier customers who can't cover the costs this winter.

PLAINFIELD, Ind. — Duke Energy is offering $300,000 in heating bill assistance through its "Share the Light Fund." 

Qualifying customers can get up to a $300 credit towards their bills. Eligibility is based on income, family size, and the availability of resources. 

“Duke Energy’s Share the Light Fund is available to those who may be struggling to make ends meet,” said Stan Pinegar, president of Duke Energy Indiana. “We work hand in hand with local community action agencies to connect our customers with available assistance, offer programs and tools to help manage their energy use and provide financial support during times of economic hardship.”

Duke Energy works with the Indiana Community Action Association to distribute funds to qualifying customers to pay energy bills, deposits and reconnection/connection charges.

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