DALLAS — It's not something we would wish on any dog: Paws facing the wrong way. A rat terrier puppy named Siggi's paws were facing the wrong way, making it hard for the dog to walk.
Fortunately for Siggi, Dalls Dog Rescue Rehab Reform knew just the person to take the puppy to. There's a surgeon at the Oklahoma State University's College of Veterinary Medicine who specializes in fixing this kind of disorder.
Dr. Erik Clary has fixed the problem before. He helped fix Milo the foxhound's paws two years ago.
The process sounds painful. They had to break bones and insert pins to turn the paws in the right direction.
Siggi also had to wear a splint for weeks after the surgery. Once she had her splint removed, she had to learn how to walk again. But now she can run around and chase a ball like any other normal puppy!
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