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Good News | Festival of Trees

It's the 11th anniversary of this annual event.

INDIANAPOLIS — Hi, everybody. It's Thursday, time for some good news and it's happening right here.

Welcome to the Indiana Historical Society Festival of Trees. It's the 11th anniversary of the annual event.

There's 85 decorated trees throughout the building.

"All of our sponsors and community partners are kind of ... it's a way for them to tell their story about their business, about their passions. If they are connected to charities, local charities, they can talk about that and get everybody interested," an IHS spokesperson told us.

One visitor shared why the festival is special to her.

"Well, I've never been here," said Cathy Rohrer. "(I've) lived in Indiana all my life and I love Christmas trees and I like history, and so I can enjoy all that today with a great group of people."

Another visitor told us the event boosts her holiday mood.

"I couldn't pass this up because it has to put you in the Christmas spirit if you haven't gotten it yet," she said. "I brought another group here last week. I think it's special because it's a mixture of history and it's a mixture of the history of Christmas that combines itself to make for a very pleasant visit."

According to the IHS website, the seven-week annual holiday extravaganza includes special programs and enhanced dining and shopping options.

You can see more of our Festival of Trees visit by clicking on the video player, and check out some previous Good News stories in the links below.   

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