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Bloomington firefighter arrested on child solicitation, sexual misconduct charges

Captain Robert Sears was booked at the Monroe County jail on Thursday night according to a press release from the Bloomington Fire Department.

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (WTHR) – A Bloomington fire captain was sworn to protect lives. But Robert Sears, 44, is charged with sex crimes against a girl, 14.

Bloomington police say they learned about Sears’ alleged sexual misconduct while they were investigating a different case.

According to official documents, police were looking into reports a 19-year-old man was having sexual contact with a girl who was only 14. Investigators were checking messages on her phone and found some disturbing items on a site called Whisper, messages between the girl and Sears. Officers said Sears “was quite vulgar and graphic in describing sexual activity.”

(Photo: Monroe County jail)

Police set up a sting posing as a teen girl, telling Sears “she” and a friend were home and the parents were out. Police say Sears asked to “sneak into the house.”

The messages got “sexual in nature regarding the possibility of engaging in sexual activity with both females.” Sears is told “condoms would be required.” Sears allegedly said he’d buy some on the way over.

When Sears drove into the meeting place, police were waiting. He had the condoms as promised and allegedly admitted sexual activity with the 14-year-old twice before, in Bloomington and at Griffy Lake.

We got reaction from around Bloomington on Friday.

“It’s reprehensible behavior.”

“He’s a garbage person, obviously, and a pedophile and he should go to jail.”

“I don’t think pedophilia has any place in the fire department or law enforcement anywhere, really.”

And a woman named Nicole told us she was hoped that the victim was getting help.

“If she’s having problems with this she’s probably having other issues in her life so knowing that she could find someone to help her through these problems would be ideal.”

Bloomington Fire Chief Jason Moore issued the following statement:

“The alleged behavior of this individual who works at the Bloomington Fire Department is not representative of our department’s values nor overall membership. Our top priority is to always ensure excellent professional service to the public who place their trust in us.”

Sears was charged with Sexual Misconduct with a Minor and Child Solicitation.

He is placed on administrative duty with no contact with the public. Chief Moore said he will seek to put Sears on administrative leave without pay while the case is resolved.

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