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Indiana names the 2025 Teacher of the Year

A central Indiana high school teacher has been named the Teacher of the Year for the 2024-2025 school year.
Credit: Indiana Department of Education
Graciela Miranda, a ninth through 12th grade English teacher at Pike High School, was named the 2025 Teacher of the Year.

INDIANAPOLIS — The Indiana Department of Education has named Pike High School teacher Graciela Miranda the 2025 Teacher of the Year

“As a first-generation college graduate, Mrs. Miranda takes very seriously a teacher’s ability to empower students to dream big, find their voice and make a positive impact on the world around them,” Dr. Katie Jenner, Indiana Secretary of Education, said. “Day in and day out, Mrs. Miranda puts her students first, creating an environment where they feel supported and empowered to take charge of their own learning. As a teacher, teacher mentor and local math and reading tutor, her positive impact can be felt throughout her own classroom, school building and the larger community.”

Miranda teaches ninth through 12th grade English at Pike High School. She has been teaching for 23 years. IDOE says Miranda is committed to her own continued learning and development while leading professional development sessions for new and veteran teachers. 

Credit: Indiana Department of Education
Graciela Miranda, a ninth through 12th grade English teacher at Pike High School, was named the 2025 Teacher of the Year.

Miranda also provides tutors for the Boys and Girls Club through the Indy Summer Learning Labs program.

Indiana has been naming a teacher of the year for more than 60 years. The goal is to inspire, rejuvenate and celebrate Indiana teachers by recognizing those who go above and beyond. You can read about the other finalists this year by clicking here

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