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Arson victims calling for tough sentence for suspect

Marion County Prosecutor Terry Curry filed more than 20 felony arson charges against Bradshaw.
David Bradshaw (IMPD photo)

INDIANAPOLIS (WTHR) — One of the victims of a suspected serial arsonist is trying to make sure they get justice.

Arson victim Shane Foley sent a message online to people concerned about the arson suspect getting off easy.

IMPD photos

Investigators from the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department and the Indianapolis Fire Department arrested 40-year-old David Bradshaw. He is accused of starting dozens of fires at homes mostly located on Indy’s old north side. In court documents, Bradshaw reportedly confessed to multiple fires. According to court documents, he told detectives during questioning that he started the fires after getting drunk.

Marion County Prosecutor Terry Curry filed more than 20 felony arson charges against Bradshaw along with three counts of felony criminal recklessness. Bradshaw is suspected of unsolved arson cases as far back as 2011.

Foley reached out to other victims to educate them about writing Prosecutor Terry Curry to share their thoughts on punishment. Many of the victims have kept in touch through the Nextdoor app. That’s also where some of the victims have shared photos of their burned up homes and front porch furniture.

Nextdoor Message:

If you felt victimized and have an interest in Bradshaw going away for a long time contact the Marion County Prosector’s Office at MCPO@indy.gov. Let them know your thoughts and what you expect (a long prison sentence). These were not isolated incidents. Anyone could be a victim.

The last round of fires happened July 2, 2019 in the Herron-Morton neighborhood on Indy’s old north side.

IFD responded to several 911 calls after families woke up in the middle of the night with their front porch furniture on fire. Fortunately no one got hurt in any of the fires. At least two families have had to find somewhere else to stay because of the damage.

A round of fires last December remained unsolved until Bradshaw’s arrest. U.S. Marshals took Bradshaw into custody on a warrant in Evansville, Indiana without incident. He reportedly expressed being relieved about finally getting caught.

Investigators identified Bradshaw from two different videos from homeowners in the Herron-Morton neighborhood. One video showed a man on a bicycle police believe is Bradshaw. A second video showed a man on one of the victims front porch.

David Bradshaw is in the Marion County Jail held on $160,000 bond. He has been assigned a public defender by the judge to represent him during trial. Bradshaw is scheduled for trial on the arson and criminal recklessness charges September 17, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. Several of the victims plan to attend his pretrial hearings and the criminal trial.

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